We monitor children’s progress all the time and give them regular feedback on how they're doing – both verbally and by marking their work.

Assessments and record-keeping help us plan the right work for every child, whatever their ability and stage of development.

Once a term, we do a formal summative assessment in reading and maths that helps us identify gaps in children’s learning and plan for the future. These tests are based on the Rising Stars assessment package.

National Tests and Phonics Test

National Tests are carried out across the country during the summer term. They are formal pencil-and-paper tests that measure whether children have reached the knowledge, skills and aptitude expected for their age. Each child is assessed by their class teacher before the tests.

National Tests provide a standardised measure known as a ‘scaled score’. Every child is expected to reach a scaled score of 100. A score of 110 or more shows that they are working at greater depth in that area.

Year 2

Children are assessed in English (reading, writing and spelling) and maths. Teachers carry out assessments in science. Children’s tests are marked in school.

Year 6

Children are assessed in reading, spelling & grammar and maths. These tests are marked externally.

Changes to year-groups can lead to significant year-on-year variations in National Test results. For example, there may be more special needs children in a particular year-group, or lots of children may join the school in Years 5 or 6. So any variation in results does not necessarily indicate variation in teaching, learning expectations or standards.

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