Find out about our Nursery, Reception and In-Year admissions...

Nursery admissions


All three- and four-year-olds are eligible for free early years education – usually 15 hours a week. 

At Baden Powell, this funded provision is available term-time only, Monday–Friday, 8:45am–11:45am. 


Some children are eligible for a full-time place, or 30 hours per week. 

Our full-time provision is available term-time only, Monday–Friday, 8:45am–3:30am.

If you’d like to be considered for a full-time place, you need to find out if you are eligible for a place at least one school term before you’d like your child to start. 

You can check your eligibility using the childcare calculator on the GOV.UK website

If you’re eligible, the site will give you a code to pass on to us when you apply. 

How to apply

We have two main admission points during the year: September and January. 

You can download an application form from the school website or request an application pack from the school office by emailing

You’ll need to provide this information:

  • Your child’s full birth certificate 
  • Two utility bills (gas, electricity, water, etc) from the last three months

We can’t process your application without these documents. We need the information to verify your child’s identify and address, and make sure places are allocated fairly. 

If you get a place, we’ll contact you by phone and send a confirmation letter with the date of your enrolment meeting and when your child will start attending the play sessions. 

Although many children join us at nursery age and continue into reception, attending our nursery school does not guarantee a place in our main primary school. 

More information

If you have any questions, please call the School Office on 020 8985 6176 or email

Reception admissions 

Our reception admissions are managed by Education Hackney.

At the moment, we are handling admissions for children aged three and four (born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019) who will start reception class at primary school in September 2023. All parents should apply by 15 January 2023, even if your child is already in the nursery class.

Useful information

Before you start, you might find it helpful to read through the Education Hackney primary school guide below.

Education Hackney primary school guide 

You can also watch an online information session hosted by Education Hackney. You can use any device to view the session. Find out more here

Children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

There is a separate application process for children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or are issued with a draft plan by 22 October 2022. 

If this applies to you, you will get an application form to complete from the Education, Health and Care Planning team. You should use this form to list the schools you prefer for your child.

For more information on EHCPs, read the Hackney Local Offer or call 020 8820 7000 (choose option 4). 

More information

If you have any questions, please call the School Office on 020 8985 6176 or email

In-year admissions 

If you apply for a place after the school year has started, it’s called an in-year admission. 

In-year admissions are managed centrally by the Education Hackney Admissions team. Applications are processed on a three-weekly cycle.

How to apply

Find out how to apply here.

More information

If you have any questions, please call the School Office on 020 8985 6176 or email

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