A place for everyone. Every member of our school community is respected for who they are. Whoever your child is, they’ll find a place in our school.

We welcome every child, regardless of race, cultural background or religion. We try to meet every child’s educational need, whatever their neurology or physical ability. And we also appreciate that many people’s attitudes to gender roles and identities are quickly changing.

We believe every child has the right to feel proud of their heritage and express their individual character through the way they look. We accept all natural and protective hairstyles and religious dress, alongside our own uniform and dress code.

When we plan school events, we make sure they will involve children from every background. For example, we celebrate both Christmas and Diwali. You can see our calendar of events here .

We offer classes in English as a second language (ESL), both in school and (since the pandemic) online.

Proud to perform

Whatever your child’s talent, we’ll do all we can to nurture it.

Unusually for a primary school, we have a dedicated studio for music, dance and drama on site and a full-time drama and dance teacher on our staff.

We offer music tuition on instruments from violin, clarinet and flute through to glockenspiels, steel pans and African drums. Some funding for music lessons is available.

Pupils can try dance styles from around the world – everything from English maypole dancing to reggae, Indian dance and kalamatianos (Greek circle dance).

There are regular performances in school for other pupils and parents to enjoy, plus pupils take part in the Hackney Music Festival every year.

Everyone is welcome at our performances, so if you’d like to come along, please get in touch.

Keeping fit and active

Sport and outdoor activities are a key part of life at Baden Powell.

We have a modern multi-use games area with full changing facilities. 

Pupils can get involved in football, tag rugby, archery, rounders, badminton, tennis, athletics and gymnastics. To keep things fresh, we add a new sport every year – the most recent addition was basketball. 

We’re proud to say Baden Powell pupils have represented the Hackney district in several sports. 

We also offer yoga classes. Yoga is a great way for children to build strength, concentration and wellbeing, while taking a few minutes out of the day to relax.

We’re currently making plans to upgrade our sports facilities. If you can offer any kind of support, or if you know someone who can, we’d love to hear from you!

Playtimes and lunchtimes

Breaks from lessons are a chance for pupils to relax and have fun in a way that suits them. 

The playground offers something for every child, with a mix of imaginative play, quiet space and active challenge to help children build motor skills and confidence. No wonder it’s so popular – it was co-designed by our students! 

Our student playground leaders are always on hand to organise activities and make sure everyone is playing happily and safely. 

For those who prefer a quieter lunch break we also have outdoor reading spaces and an indoor games area. 

Listening to the pupils’ voice

Everyone in our community has a say – teachers, parents and pupils. 

Our pupils have a strong voice in how their school is run. The School Council meets once a month to discuss all the vital issues affecting school life, from music to meals. Based on pupils’ requests, and following discussions, sugar-free ketchup was added to our lunchtime menu! 

Our house captains help teachers communicate with our school-wide community, for example by passing on news to their house members and explaining rules and procedures. They also help with solidarity campaigns by receiving, organising, counting and recording donations.

Our reading champions work to promote reading and recently managed a book launch of their own. 

In the dining hall, our dinner buddies help to serve meals, clean up and make sure other children are happy with their food, passing their feedback on to the learning mentors on our staff. 

Our junior road safety officers work with Hackney’s road safety team to teach their fellow pupils how to stay safe on the street, whether on foot or bike. 

Staying well and happy

We work hard to keep every pupil safe, healthy and happy. 

To help us support pupils’ wellbeing, a children’s clinician visits us once every two weeks, and a mental health support team worker helps children who are struggling with anxiety or low moods. 

We have several anti-bullying ambassadors, all of whom have completed the Diana Award. As well as combating bullying, our ambassadors also support pupils with their online safety, mental health and general wellbeing. 

Our two learning mentors support children who are finding it difficult to access learning in class, whatever the reason. 

Fuel for learning

At Baden Powell, your child can enjoy a delicious, healthy hot meal every day. 

Good food helps children stay healthy and maintain their energy throughout the day.

Our delicious school dinners are cooked in-house by our trained chef. The menu changes with the seasons, using fresh local produce wherever possible. 

In 2011, we were awarded ‘Healthy School’ status. 

Community spirit

We look outwards to the local community and lend a hand whenever we can. 

We have Charity Days throughout the school year, offering support to Children in Need, Red Nose Day and many other good causes. 

Recently, pupils have started visiting a local old people’s home, where they chat and sing songs with the residents. At Christmas, pupils sing carols at the nearby Salvation Army church.

We’ve also linked up with a local bookshop and with Into University, a local charity who help pupils learn about university life and provide after-school support. 

If there’s a good cause you think we should support, please get in touch

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